
Learn Mindfulness with Skill-Building Challenges

by Erik Ireland - Certified Mindfulness Teacher, Storyteller & Creator of The MYTHS MindReset

Develop a powerful mindfulness practice with these free, easy-to-follow exercises. Join my email group to get new challenges delivered right to your inbox.

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The Shadow Work Challenge: Embracing the Hidden Parts of Ourselves

The shadow, a concept coined by psychologist Carl Jung, refers to the hidden aspects of our psyche that we refuse to acknowledge, often because they don't align with our mind-identified sense of self. These disowned parts of ourselves can include repressed emotions, traumas, and traits that we perceive as negative or unacceptable. This challenge invites us to bravely venture into our inner landscape and embrace our shadow. Through reflective exercises and journaling prompts, we'll discover...

28 days ago • 4 min read

The human mind is a storytelling machine, weaving narratives from our past experiences, beliefs, and imagined futures. These stories create a sense of self that we identify with and believe to be who we truly are. However, this mind-made identity is also the source of our suffering in life. The good news is that it is ultimately an illusion, obscuring our experience of the pure awareness that witnesses these mental constructs. As the spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle says, "The greatest...

about 2 months ago • 4 min read

Welcome to the Path to Forgiveness Challenge, a journey inviting you to explore the profound act of forgiveness—a gateway to emotional liberation and enriched well-being. Forgiveness is a personal exploration that unfolds in its own time, offering peace and reconciliation with the past. This challenge is designed to deepen your understanding of what forgiveness means to you as it guides you through practices that will help release the burdens of resentment and open your heart to compassion...

3 months ago • 3 min read

It's winter here on the mountain, and that means lots of rain and lots of rainbows! It's one of my favorite times of year—just perfect for introspection and reconnecting with ourselves. The canyon rainbows add lots of sparkle to the forest! In this spirit, I want to welcome you to the Self-Compassion Challenge, a journey designed to deepen your understanding and practice of self-compassion, a powerful antidote to shame and anxiety. The way we treat ourselves, especially in moments of...

4 months ago • 5 min read

In December, I like to take time to enjoy the deep stillness that the long nights of winter can bring. I also like to get up before dawn to meditate on the back porch as the first light of dawn begins to creep up over the ridge. Joey is my winter meditation buddy & lap warmer This Winter Rituals Challenge from The Peace & Prosperity Circle is a great way to deepen your mindfulness practice and get a taste of what you'll learn if you become a member. It includes a meditation episode on Listen...

4 months ago • 2 min read

As the holiday season unfolds, it's not uncommon to find ourselves amidst a mix of joy, anxiety and/or depression. To help you move through these thoughts and feelings with grace, I want to invite you to join me in the Mindful Holidays Challenge. It's a journey towards experiencing greater awareness, presence, and joy. Start transforming your holiday experience with this recording of the meditation and talk from the Mindful Holidays Challenge kickoff in our Awaken Your Myth community zoom...

5 months ago • 2 min read

Last week, something really exciting happened over on Instagram. A mindfulness video I made with Bodhi and Joey was watched by more than half-a-million people! Click to watch the video on Instagram. I am so passionate about mindfulness because it has changed everything about my life for the better. Today, I am excited to unveil a new collaboration between Listen To Sleep and Awaken Your Myth to help you develop simple and effective mindfulness practices that works for you—for free! I want to...

5 months ago • 1 min read
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