Transform Your Holiday Experience with The Holiday Mindfulness Challenge🌟

As the holiday season unfolds, it's not uncommon to find ourselves amidst a mix of joy, anxiety and/or depression. To help you move through these thoughts and feelings with grace, I want to invite you to join me in the Mindful Holidays Challenge. It's a journey towards experiencing greater awareness, presence, and joy.

Start transforming your holiday experience with this recording of the meditation and talk from the Mindful Holidays Challenge kickoff in our Awaken Your Myth community zoom gathering last Sunday.

video preview​

In this video, we start with a calming mindfulness meditation exploring the simple act of sensing—hearing, touching, being. It's a great practice for creating a tranquil pause from our constant thoughts, guiding us into the richness of the present.

We then venture into the unknown, a core aspect of our hero's journey, where we learn to loosen the grip of our stories of holidays past and future. It's an invitation to ground ourselves in the present, opening up to deeper awareness and self-acceptance.

The Mindful Holidays Challenge: Embracing the Season with Presence

Let's reframe our approach to this time of year, emphasizing the importance of staying present and grounded amidst the hustle and bustle.

Turning Challenges into Mindful Opportunities:

  • Identify Stress Triggers: What aspects of the holidays stress you out? Awareness is the first step.
  • Practice Compassion: Remember, it’s okay not to fulfill every expectation. Prioritize your well-being.
  • Incorporate Mindful Moments: Try short mindfulness exercises like mindful breathing before meals or tuning in to your current experience.

Practical Tips for a Mindful Holiday:

  1. Plan Mindfully: Ensure your holiday activities truly bring joy to you and your loved ones.
  2. Mindful Eating: Savor each bite and appreciate the flavors.
  3. Mindful Gifting: Make gift-giving meaningful by choosing gifts with intention.
  4. Solitude and Reflection: Amidst the celebrations, find time for yourself to stay grounded.

Daily Mindfulness Exercises:

  • Morning Centering: Start each day with five minutes of deep breathing. Envision calmness with each inhale and release any stress with each exhale. The guided "Mindfulness of the Breath" meditation on Listen To Sleep can support you in this practice.
  • Mindful Observations: Throughout the day, take moments to observe your surroundings with mindfulness. Notice the details – the colors, sounds, and textures.
  • Evening Reflection: End your day with reflection. Acknowledge your feelings, then let go of stress or worries. Writing down three things you're grateful for can be a powerful practice.

By participating in the Mindful Holidays Challenge and integrating these practices into your daily routine, you'll not only enhance your enjoyment of the holidays but also foster deeper connections with yourself and those around you—stepping into the season with a calm, present, and joyful heart. 🌟🎄

And if you're looking for a last-minute gift... you can give a six-month subscription to Listen To Sleep Plus, the ad-free premium version of the podcast, for just $29.94. With 8 full-length audiobooks and hundreds of relaxing bedtime stories and meditations, it's sure to have something for everyone. Give the gift of sleep and mindfulness to someone you love this year.

To deepen your practice, you can get access to over 20 mindfulness challenges along with live support over Zoom and so many other resources in our private online support community, The Cabin.

​Drop me a line if you've got a request for a challenge you'd like to move through in 2024. You can always hit reply to any of my emails. :)

Wishing you peace and mindfulness,


Learn Mindfulness with Skill-Building Challenges

Develop a powerful mindfulness practice with these free, easy-to-follow exercises. Join my email group to get new challenges delivered right to your inbox.

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